2025 Conference Schedule
2025 ACSLHE Conference Schedule This schedule is subject to change but will be updated as information is received. (Updated 1.29.25) *Please note we will not be taking same day registrations or walk up registrations for the conference.* CLICK HERE FOR OUR LIVE CONFERENCE PROGRAM Pre- and Post-Conference FEBRUARY 2 and FEBRUARY 4 For those of you arriving in Washington, DC early, will have the opportunity to sign up for a variety of pre- and post-conference excursions. Excursions currently in the works include the following: Take a look at our excursions list here. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2: Howard University 11am - 1pm Chapel Service: Cramton Auditorium 3pm - 4pm Check-in: Dupont Hotel 4pm New Member Reception and Check In: Blackburn Center Gallery Lounge 5pm All Member Mocktail Happy Hour and Check In (Meet the Board of Directors Candidates): Blackburn Center Gallery Lounge 6pm Opening Keynote Session with Dinner: Blackburn Center Ballroom Check-in continues at Dupont Hotel MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3: Georgetown University 9am - 5pm Tabling 8am - 9am Breakfast: Leavey Center Ballroom 9am Welcome: Leavey Center Ballroom 9:15am Opening Plenary: Leavey Center Ballroom 10:30am Workshop Session 1 11:30am Break 12 - 2pm Lunch + Campus Tour: Leavey Center Ballroom 2 - 3pm Workshops Session 2 3:30pm - 4:30pm Affinity Groups Meet (Faith) 4:30pm - 5:30pm Affinity Groups Meet (Identity) 7pm Ball and Awards Gala: Dupont Hotel TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4: American University 8-9am Breakfast 9am Morning Plenary (President Alger Welcome and Panel) 11am Break 11:30am Workshop Session 3 12:30pm ACSLHE Business Meeting, Election Results: Kay Spiritual Life Center 1:30pm Lunch and Closing: Kay Spiritual Life Center 2-3pm Cupcakes at the Flaming Cupcake: Kay Spiritual Life Center 2:30pm Campus Tour |
ACSLHE | pronounced AXLE | ©2022