2022 Conference Registration
2022 Conference Registration
After the impossibly unsustainable academic year we've been managing, we want to create a space for both hope and tears, "you won't believe," and "we still believe," as we press forward with the theme: "Boundaries and Burnout."
Our hope for our conference, Boundaries and Burnout, is to give attendees concrete tips to recognize and alleviate burnout. We want to move towards a comprehensive understanding of boundaries and how to harness them within the framework of chaplaincy in religious and spiritual life.
The most common feedback we received about this conference was the desire for connection and restoration. After much deliberation and the hard work of our tech committee, we have decided to host our conference on Zoom in order to focus on connecting and restoring. We decided we didn’t need all the frills and wanted to avoid any learning curves so we can focus on what matters, each other.
We welcome you in whatever state you may be in as we face new changes in a new year. All we ask is you show up so we can hold space for one another and learn together.
We don't want cost to be a barrier for anyone. If finances are an issue, below you will find information regarding scholarship opportunities for the conference.
Larry Green Fund
The Larry Green Fund was established in honor of the Rev. Larry Green, former chaplain of Berry College. New chaplains (or chaplains new to NACUC) and theological students who demonstrate financial need can apply for financial assistance to help cover any/all of the following:
1) one year complimentary membership to ACSLHE
2) conference registration fee
Please email Daniel Meyers (dgmeyers@butler.edu), Nathan Albert (albert_nd@lynchburg.edu), and Maytal Saltiel (maytal.saltiel@yale.edu) by January 19th to apply for this fund.
Hardship Fund
This fund was created by the membership last year in recognition that many of us have dwindling professional development budgets and find it challenging to gather the resources necessary to attend the annual conference. This fund is for active chaplains who are members of ACSLHE (i.e., not student, affiliate, or lifetime members); priority is given to those who have not received it before.
Please email Maytal Saltiel (maytal.saltiel@yale.edu) and Vanessa Gomez Brake (vanessagb@usc.edu) by January 28th to apply for this fund.
ACSLHE | pronounced AXLE | ©2022