2023 Conference Workshops
2023 Conference Workshops
Workshop Session 1 (Monday)
Exploring Interfaith Through the Arts
This workshop will invite participants to explore the arts (dance, music, poetry, and visual art, in particular) as a modality to strengthen relationships among and between interfaith communities. Using Interfaith America’s methodology, Racial Equity Commitment, and recent projects as a model, participants will learn how individual and collective artistic expression can inspire joy, communicate both positive and painful lived experiences, and coalesce new communities.
Presented by
Harmeet Kaur Kamboj (they/them), Program Manager, Interfaith America
Fellowship vs. Community: The importance of play in building communities of faith
With the decrease of attendance for religious practice it is clear that students are seeking community. As chaplains we can get caught up on providing spiritual support and educational programs that we forget about play. This workshop will focus on generating community through play and how we have seen it work in our communities. This includes both students and coworkers.
Presented by
Alexandra Miller-Knaack, Assistant Chaplain, Oxford College of Emory University
Nurturing, Supporting, Honoring: Insights from Military Chaplaincy for Spiritual Leaders in Higher Education
One of the largest employers of chaplains in the US is our nation’s armed forces. Doctrines and practices of religious support developed by military chaplains through times of peace and of war may provide useful concepts for navigating bureaucracies and optimizing chaplaincy services on college and university campuses.
Presented by
Barry R. Baron, Colgate University
Making Mindfulness a Sought After Practice
This workshop will be an opportunity to discover how a college chaplain or spiritual life director can make mindfulness practices available throughout their campus and use those practices to promote respect, compassion, and empathy for all. I will use as an example the work that I have done to make mindfulness practice available on our campus by promoting a program I call Gulls Pause (the gull is our campus mascot and spirit animal). I will include how I have brought mindfulness practice to our athletic teams, to our clubs and organizations, to classrooms, and more. Each participant will have the opportunity to create initiatives that would work for their school and their resources.
Presented by
Rev. Dr. Gail Cantor, Director of Belonging and Spiritual Life, Endicott College
Stories that Heal not Stories that Harm: How Storytellers Shape New Futures
In this interactive workshop, journalist and educator Abdul-Rehman Malik draws on the legacy of the Civil Rights movement, global peacebuilding practices, and lessons from on the ground training around the world from Indonesia to Tunisia to the UK and beyond to explore ways in which stories can empower people to imagine a world beyond violence and division. More important, we’ll explore how we can find joy in creating a new “We”.
Presented by
Abdul-Rehman Malik Director, Muslim Leadership Lab, Dwight Hall at Yale Lecturer, Yale Divinity School
Workshop Session 2 (Monday)
Developing Buy-In from Part Time Chaplains
We will discuss different ways to incentivize part time chaplains to commit to service at our institutions. How do we incentivize, provide benefits, and add value for chaplains who only visit or work at our institutions part time? How can we integrate them into the culture of the school? Finally, we will focus on how to collaborate with them to make the greatest impact on our campuses.
Presented by
Director Yasin Ahmed, Ithaca College
Finding Joy and Wonder with Religiously-Unaffiliated Students
This workshop will offer a rationale for engaging religiously-unaffiliated students and invite participants into a conversation about whether a focus on the spirituality and worldviews of religiously-unaffiliated students is consistent with the purposes of the chaplaincy in each participant’s context. It will demonstrate approaches to cultivating mindfulness and experiences of connection, wonder and awe with religiously unaffiliated students. Brittany Longsdorf will lead participants in practices from her course “Arts and Spirituality” that invoke mindfulness and create openings for awe and wonder.
Presented by
Brittany Longsdorf, Multifaith Chaplain at Bates College
Raymond Clothier, Associate Multifaith Chaplain at Bates College
Holding Breathing Space
We will explore the promise and challenges of holding spaces where all members of the institution can engage the spiritual and human practice of breathing. In multiple traditions, observing breath is a practice that allow us to pay attention, ground in our bodies, and notice with gratitude. Using the creation of the Esch Hurvis Center for Spiritual and Religious Life as a case study, this will be an opportunity to reflect together on the promise and challenges of holding a counter- cultural space for breathing. We will explore both the nuts and bolts and the larger philosophical and communication challenges of doing this work.
Presented by
Linda Morgan-Clement, Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life and Chaplain to the University, Lawrence University
Asher McMullen, Practices Fellow, Lawrence University
Humanist Art of Living: Possibilities in a Changing World
In the current social and political climate, students are yearning for spaces and practices to fashion lives that are meaningful, challenge the status quo, and nurture critical sensibilities. Higher education requires reflexive spaces to grapple with the “big questions.” In this workshop, participants will learn how a humanist orientation can provide openings for students who are eager to expand their creative capacities and cultivate a philosophy of everyday life. Drawing from the presenter’s autoethnographic tales in the field leading a Humanist Chaplaincy, this workshop also provides tools and strategies for spiritual and religious practitioners to facilitate inquiry about the complexities of everyday life.
Presented by
Anthony Cruz Pantojas, Humanist Chaplain, Tufts University
Working with Off-Campus Religious Organizations – A Collaborative Discussion
As Chaplains we are tasked with supporting students of various religious backgrounds, affiliations, and identities. At times, this offers a welcome opportunity to partner with an outside organization or program specifically aligned with a particular mission, tradition, or identity. Other times, this collaboration is not so straightforward and may include concerns about an outside organization’s high-control tactics and/or practices that conflict with our institutions’ anti-discrimination policies. We will explore three distinct and brief scenarios that illuminate some of the challenges our colleagues have experienced and approaches they have taken to addressing these groups. We will incorporate policy and guideline sharing, legal considerations, and best practices for determining when to not formally recognize a student group connected with an outside organization or to terminate an existing relationship.
Presented by
The Rev. Dr. Colleen Hallagan Preuninger Associate Dean for Religious & Spiritual Life, Director of Student Engagement Office for Religious & Spiritual Life, Stanford University
Rev. Maeba Jonas Chaplain and Director of Religious & Spiritual Life, Goucher College
Rev. Elyse Nelson Winger University Chaplain, Tufts University
Workshop Session 3 (Tuesday)
Contemplative Practices and the Question of Self-Care
How can we as chaplains uniquely assist students seeking stress relief as well as discover a deeper purpose? Secular mindfulness-type practices are geared for individual self-help but are not practiced within the context of a faith tradition, with its particular values, ethics, and purpose toward greater compassion and connection. While mindfulness can be very effective as a set of tools for stress relief, its popular promotion as self-help infers that an individual working on oneself can solve stresses that are perpetuated by racist, gender-biased, classist, and other societal systems. In her book, Liberating Mindfulness: from Billion-Dollar Industry to Engaged Spirituality (Orbis: 2022), Gail Stearns discusses these issues from the perspective of a campus religious professional and mindfulness teacher. In this workshop, we will develop these concepts further: Jibreel Speight discussing ways Islamic practices can guide students toward greater understanding of self, connection with the Divine, and activism; Andrea Seigel offering similar yet unique insights from Judaism, and Gail from Christianity. We hope participants will have broadly defined contemplative practices they use with students to share that can invite students to dive deeper inwardly, and reach outwardly toward more purposeful action than they achieve by simply turning on a mindfulness app!
Presented by
Rev. Dr. Gail Stearns, Dean, Wallace All Faiths Chapel, Chapman University
Shaykh Jibreel Speight, Director of Muslim Life, Chapman University
Dr. Andrea Seigel, Director of Jewish Life, Chapman University
The Role of the University Chaplain and Retention
While some may consider University Chaplaincy an 'old world' practice, it is in fact a cutting-edge discipline in the Psychology and Sociology fields. Research studies have shown that chaplains can help bring about successful student retention - both from the perspective of those who have chosen to stay on campus, as well as those students who are considering leaving at the end of their current academic year.
Presented by
Rev. Herbert A. Brisbon, III Dillard University
Using Circle Process & Restorative Practices in Spiritual Life
Participants will explore the foundations of Restorative Practices and Circle Process. This indigenous practice has roots across communities and throughout human history. It provides participants the opportunity to create knowledge outside of traditional dialogue models, which often pit people against each other, by building shared knowledge on a foundation of deep listening. Circle process can provide chaplains with an additional tool in their toolkit as they seek to bring wholeness to their communities. This process is a great tool for use in support groups, retreats, and at times when groups are struggling to build healthy community.
Presented by
Kate Smanik, Dean of Religious and Spiritual Life, Colby College
W{holy} Queer: Fostering Integration, Community & Joy with LGBTQ Students
Witnessing students bloom into the fullness of who they are is one of our greatest joys as chaplains and religious life professionals. In this workshop we will explore how to nurture integration, community and joy with LGBTQ students through pastoral care and programming. Chaplain Rev. Jenny Peek will share about [their] experience leading W{holy} Queer, an interfaith LGBTQ community of over 100 students on Yale’s campus, supporting faith- specific queer communities, and providing pastoral care to LGBTQ undergraduate and graduate students.
Presented by
Rev. Jenny Peek, Associate University Chaplain, Yale University
Who Gets Approved?
This workshop will discuss the challenges of approving campus religious or para church organizations. What are the criteria for recognition, what are the responsibilities of campus organizations, and what are the privileges? What happens when a campus organization violates policies and procedures? What is the application process for new organizations? What if you suspect a group is a cult? This workshop deals with the intricacies of working with religious organizations.
Presented by
Dr. Nisa Muhammad Assistant Dean of Religious Life Howard University
Nathan Albert Associate Chaplain University of Lynchburg
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