Muslim Chaplain - Tufts University

  • 28 Jun 2024 11:53 AM
    Message # 13375748
    Nathan Albert (Administrator)
    The Muslim Chaplain works with the University Chaplaincy Team in providing collaborative religious and philosophical leadership for the University community and by providing spiritual leadership, organization, and advising for a pluralistic and culturally diverse Muslim community. Collaboratively develops, articulates, and implements a vision for the particular community with its advisory, leadership, and membership groups. Coordinates university worship/gatherings in the tradition as well as for holiday/seasonal observances. Arranges a wide variety of educational programs related to the tradition for a diverse spectrum of practitioners and for the general university community. Provides pastoral care and leadership in service, social justice, and multifaith initiatives. Administers the particular community’s program. Connects the particular community at Tufts with local, regional, national, and international expressions and resources.  Providing spiritual counseling to students and staff, including referrals to other offices and/or spiritual communities as needed.  Providing overall support for spiritual and ethical life and attending to program administration and collaborative responsibilities with the University Chaplaincy team. Chaplain must be skilled in lifting up, and working within, culturally diverse contexts of Muslim practice. Chaplain should be deeply motivated by creating and maintaining an inclusive, welcoming environment, and supporting its mission through intentional, collaborative, collegial work, and have a high degree of personal integrity and discretion, with commitment to maintaining confidentiality. 

    Special features of the Muslim Chaplain position: supports multiple multifaith and Muslim prayer spaces; works with Dining Service on halal dining options; works with campus partners, including Admissions, on outreach to Muslim students and families; works with the Office of Residential Life and Learning on advising for the Muslim House and other housing needs for Muslim students; works with the Tufts Muslim Alumni Association and Advancement related to fundraising and community-building; works with campus partners, including the University Chaplain and Office of Equal Opportunity, on matters related to religious accommodations for prayer and consultation on other relevant needs.

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